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Hewitt Update 12/19/2022
December 19, 2022
Merry Christmas Once Again!
Sandy here…Have you felt like you were running a crazy race for the last 12 months? We certainly have! [READ MORE]
Keller's Update 12/16/2022
December 19, 2022
‘MERRY CHRISTMAS’ – What a wonderful time of the year. It is a marvelous demonstration of God’s love towards us. Jeanne & I are so grateful to God for sending His Son to come and take our place so we could have eternal life. [READ MORE]
Rogers Update 10/20/2022
October 20, 2022
Dear Friends,
I have been told that when a person enters the “Elderly” stage of life, there are certain things that start to happen. One is you don’t bend as well and another is when you do bend, the movement is slower! I have come to understand those are […] [READ MORE]
Rogers Update 9/24/2022
September 24, 2022
Dear Friends, All of us at one time or another have become excited about some future event in our lives. I remember as a kid looking forward to birthday parties, and of course, Christmas. Well, that’s me as I write this! (Not about Christmas yet, and I’ve tried to […] [READ MORE]
Keller's Update 8/17/2022
August 17, 2022
Dear Prayer Partners: (Family & Friends!) August 2022
Since our last letter we had an opportunity to serve God’s people through a conference for Pastors and their families, in Nephi, UT. It was a wonderful experience to challenge these Pastors and servants for Christ. From the comments we received I am […] [READ MORE]
Rogers Update 8/11/2022
August 17, 2022
Dear Friends,
Besides knowing the Lord God, Creator of the Universe, who personally rescued me from Hell to live with Him till the end of time and beyond – I think the best part of being a Christian is getting to spend time with my brothers and sisters in Christ! The […] [READ MORE]
Hewitt Update 7/7/22
July 7, 2022
Dear Friends and Prayer Partners,
We apologize for the time delay since our last update with regard to Barnabas Enrichment Ministries (BEM). Although the mission of BEM has remained the same since its inception in 2008, for a number of reasons, our methods have changed. While we still offer intense -2 […] [READ MORE]
Keller Update 4/16/22
April 16, 2022
Dear Prayer Partners: (Family & Friends!) April 2022“What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought, since Jesus came into my heart!”
I could sing that song every day of my life, as God gives us opportunity, to live for Him and speak in His favor. Several months ago, I […] [READ MORE]
Rogers Update 3/23/2022
March 23, 2022
March 23, 2022
Dear Friends,
In our December Newsletter I talked about our move from Indiana to Tennessee and shared some thoughts about our future move as believers from earth to heaven someday. Since then, a very close friend of mine made that journey to heaven. Dan Snyder attended our […] [READ MORE]
Keller Update 12/23/21
December 23, 2021
December 2021 Christmas Greetings to our Family & Friends!
This season gives me pause to reflect on God’s goodness & grace. Both Thanksgiving (just past) and Christmas (on our heels) make my heart, mind and life fully satisfied with what God has and is doing.
I am so grateful that He is […] [READ MORE]
Rogers Update 12/20/21
December 20, 2021
Dear Friends,
It has been said that moving is a great adventure. There is some truth in that, but another term that might describe it is insanity. My dad once told me that living in a place for more than seven years was a mistake. He was referring to the number […] [READ MORE]
Rogers Update 10/15/21
October 16, 2021
Dear Friends, When Joseph was asked by his father, Jacob, to check on how Joseph’s brothers were doing tending the flocks of sheep, Joseph didn't hesitate. He probably was aware of some of his brothers’ negative feelings about him, but I doubt if he even considered what might happen out in […] [READ MORE]
Rogers Update 8/26/2021
August 26, 2021
Dear Friends, My mom’s brother, Uncle Tell, was an exceptionally wise pastor that I enjoyed talking with in my grade school years. We would discuss theology from subjects such as the Second Coming of Christ to the Sovereignty of God. I remember one discussion when he said something that I […] [READ MORE]
Rogers Update 4/29/2021
July 10, 2021
April 29, 2021
Dear Friends,
I remember watching a TV show when I was a kid called the “Six Million Dollar Man”. (Obviously inflation and government spending would change the title today!) There was a famous line that was said at the start of each show – you are probably thinking […] [READ MORE]
Rogers Update 4/17/2021
July 10, 2021
April 17, 2021 Dear Friends, I mentioned in my last newsletter that I was teaching the Adult Sunday School Class at First Baptist in Russiaville (the local church we attend when we are not traveling). This has been a mind-expanding study for me. The title of the series is “Is Your Christianity Cultic? – What is Real Christianity?” I have often thought about this subject for many years, ever since I did church planting in Utah, an area of our country that is highly religious. What has been interesting recently is we are in a church that takes this topic very seriously. Over and over again I have watched the people of First Baptist live out Biblical Christianity. It is amazing what can happen when the people of a church remove “religious activity” and replace it with “relational interaction” toward each other. God is the God of Relationships and always has been. In eternity past God had perfect relationship within Himself. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit enjoyed the harmony of unity in one. An example: Recently, on my birthday, I sat in church without Beabea. (She has been in Tennessee helping our daughter with our granddaughter, Laurie, who has had health challenges – by the way Laurie is doing much better.) The people of the church knew Beabea and I have been apart quite a bit in the last year because of this. I also mentioned on occasion that I had been missing my grandkids in Tennessee. So, there I was sitting by myself in church on my birthday when the pastor announced there was going to be special music provided by some visitors. I glanced over my shoulder down the aisle and thought, “Hum, that first kid looks a lot like my granddaughter, Morgan. It was then that I realized the visitors were my daughter, Christy, and her three children including, Laurie! Many commented on the very surprised expression on my face. Then Beabea quietly came up behind me and gave me a kiss. I remember thinking that better be Beabea or we have a serious situation here! I found out after the service that the people of the church had paid the cost for these family members to come up and see me on my birthday. The church even had a surprise birthday cake (at the fellowship afterward) with presents! Beabea's birthday is close to mine so they celebrated hers as well! This is just one example. There have been many including financial gifts from people in the church (we are at the 50% support level) to physical help around our home when there is need. Recently there has been need because of the increasing severity of pain in my left knee. This has been going on for a couple of years – but now it is at the level that requires surgery. On Friday, April 23rd, I will be having my second knee replacement. (The first was the right knee back in 2004 and it has done very well.) I have to admit that I am not exactly thrilled as I anticipate this upcoming surgery. I remember in Bible College praying for the Rapture just before finals. I am experiencing a very similar emotion. However, I love the definition of faith that I have lived my life by for many years. “Faith is the decision to trust God even with all my doubts and fears!” Circumstances are not what brings “Hope”. Hope comes from the quality of who God is – that He is trustworthy. The trustworthy God has been meeting my needs for the upcoming surgery in many ways. (Another example of Relational Christianity is a couple from the church brought over their kids and moved my office from the basement to a room upstairs because of the knee surgery!) So here are some prayer requests… Please pray for the upcoming knee replacement surgery. Of course, I don’t mind you praying that I heal quickly, but more important, pray that I will live out Christ to the many people who will be a part of the surgery and the recovery afterward. God has always amazed me how He opens doors of opportunity to encourage those around me with the wonder of God. He especially seems to do it when I have a medical need. I get to interact with people I normally wouldn’t be involved with and that is special! Pray for strength and patience for Beabea as she takes care of me after the surgery. (It is great having her back! She is a fantastic cook!! – not to mention really pretty!) Pray for Christy, our daughter, as she will not have Beabea to help with Laurie while I am recovering (and of course, continue to pray for Laurie). While you are at it, pray for all of my grandkids! They are very special! After all, they have Beabea’s genes! Continue to pray for our ministry and the upcoming travel this fall. With Covid cases dropping, doors are really starting to open up. Finally, Relational Christianity is precious. Thank you for the relationship we have with you, and your interest in our lives! Your fellow servant and brother in Christ, John (and Beabea) Rogers jtrbem@gmail.com [READ MORE]
Rogers Update 2/19/2021
March 4, 2021
February 19, 2021 Dear Friends, 2020 is the year where God says you are not going to figure me out! It doesn’t matter how much you analyze what is happening (and so much is happening), you still won’t be able to put the pieces together to clarify a constant ldquo;Why?” […] [READ MORE]
Keller Update 12/11/2020
December 11, 2020
December 2020
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year:
Jeanne and I want to thank you as our friends and co-labors for your faithful prayers for us. We are convinced without you pleading for us to have opportunities, remain clean and spiritual, and be effective in helping others, we can easily practice […] [READ MORE]
Rogers Update 11/24/2020
December 11, 2020
November 24, 2020
Dear Friends,
Proverbs 16:9 states this, “A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.” In other words, “We make our plans, but God decides!” When any of us (who know the Lord) sets out to serve Him in a major endeavor or any […] [READ MORE]
Rogers Update 10/6/2020
October 6, 2020
BEM Small Church Conference 2020
Rogers Newsletter
Dear Friends,
Although a majority of the people around us (and maybe us at times) seems to be focused on the Coronavirus, elections, and the end of “American Life” as we know it, I want to encourage those of us who know Christ to consider our […] [READ MORE]
Keller Update 7/20/2020
July 21, 2020
God has been good to us and we praise Him for that; for who He is and for what He has done for us.
Jeanne and I have been busy even though our ministry opportunities are limited during this Cocid-19 restricted period. Barnabas Enrichment Ministries is hosting a Small Church Pastors […] [READ MORE]
Rogers Update 7/16/2020
July 21, 2020
Dear Friends,
In my life as a missionary one thing has always been certain. Just when I think I understand ministry, God takes it to a whole new level. I am fairly certain that is true for everyone seeking to serve our Lord. I would also venture to say that this […] [READ MORE]
Rogers Update 3/22/2020
March 23, 2020
Dear Friends,
When I stepped off the plane in Fairbanks, Alaska, in the middle of the night, I remember thinking, ‘I forgot how cold it could be up here!’ Well, it was the middle of the night, and that didn’t help temperature wise either. It was the last of February and […] [READ MORE]
Rogers Update 2/24/2020
February 25, 2020
Dear Friends,
“North to Alaska, gone north, the rush is on!” Words from the opening song of a very old John Wayne movie titled… North to Alaska. Big surprise! Anyway, that is my theme this week as I prepare for a trip to Alaska. (Not John Wayne, but going north to […] [READ MORE]
Rogers Update 10/26/2019
October 26, 2019
Dear Friends,
One of the most precious aspects of knowing Christ is the relationships we have in the family of God. Beabea and I literally have people who care about us and pray for us all over the world. We know this through the emails, notes, and letters that are sent […] [READ MORE]
Rogers Update 6/20/2019
June 20, 2019
Dear Friends,
Disappointment – No body likes it. It comes when you expect something to happen that you are looking forward to experiencing, and it doesn’t happen for one reason or another. Disappointment can also come from people when you expect something from them, and they fail your expectations. Our world […] [READ MORE]
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