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Rogers Update 5/6/2024
May 7, 2024
Hi Everyone, One of the wonderful privileges of being a child of God and a servant of Jesus Christ is other believers pray for you. I want to thank all of you for praying that we would be able to attend the 2024 BEM conference in Utah. God made it happen, and it was a great conference! Beabea and I flew out to Salt Lake City on Thursday, April 25th, and returned on Monday April 29th. To be honest, these were the worst plane flights we have ever experienced for several reasons including delays. We hadn't flown for a while and the friendly skies were not as friendly as we remembered. Welcome to the new world of air travel! However, despite all the challenges, we arrived safely and had a day to rest up before the conference started. Another part of the adventure was the rent a car we reserved at the airport. We had paid for a mid-size car but was given something that almost qualified as a compact. It would have needed to be several sizes bigger to be a compact. They assured me it was a mid-size car. We squeezed into our 2024 Mini Cooper CV. I have always thought it would be fun to drive a "go-cart." Now, I had my chance! Our suitcase wouldn't fit into the trunk, but we were able to lower the convertible top and get it in the back seat. After several times, I figured a way to put it in the vehicle without lowering the top. I was very proud of myself in a spiritual Christian sort of way. In any case, the "go-cart" was a big hit at the conference! The conference itself went very well with 85 in attendance if you count children and teens. We had more interactive sessions this time and there were a lot of positive comments about that. I had the last session of the day. I have to admit I was very tired by the time it came for me to speak, but God is amazing (nothing new about that!) and He supplied the strength and power needed. I also spoke on Sunday morning at Grace Baptist in Orem, Utah. The dear people there support us financially and in prayer. It was a great time of fellowship! I want to praise the Lord and give Him the glory for the ministry of BEM. It was wonderful to see so many believers united in their love for God. I especially enjoyed seeing friends from my years of church planting in Utah. I also want to thank you again for your prayers and the encouragement of your words. By the way, Beabea did a great job of taking care of me, as usual! Praise the Lord for my wonderful wife. Keep praying! I see another doctor next month (unless the Lord comes back before then!) In Christ's love and with much appreciation! John (and Beabea) Rogers jtrbem@gmail.com
