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Rogers Update 9/14/2023
September 14, 2023
Hi Everyone, There is an old saying, and we all have heard it said many times on television and in real life. The phrase I’m talking about is this… “Do you want to hear the good news or the bad news first?” This famous and common question is actually biblically wrong in my opinion. Now, I am not condemning anyone that has used it. In fact, I have to admit I have used it once or twice or twenty-seven times. However, the more I consider the question and its implications, the more I am convinced something’s wrong here. Actually, it is fairly obvious. Maybe… It seems like any honest believer should see it immediately if that person paused and thought about it. Well, I paused and thought about it, and I’m trying to be an honest believer. If we truly believe Romans 8:28 where Paul tells us that God works all things together for good for those who love the Lord, there really isn’t anything that qualifies as bad news. Believers live in the realm of good news even when we think it is bad news! Now that can be difficult or at least challenging to grasp and actually believe. What about the lost all around us, and physical pain, or mental pain? The Bible never said those were good things, but that God uses them for good. Even sinful thoughts, God can use and does. To understand that, we must also understand that God uses sin and its consequences to change our hearts. The pain and sorrow we experience when we do wrong is good and often draws us back to God. Therefore, God’s discipline of the believer in sin is good news! Hebrews 12 teaches that. No wonder God says, “In everything give thanks…” Then there are health challenges we all face. Health is a wonderful tool used by God for many good things. True, sin can lead to damaged health; but many times, heath issues are not tied to our failures, but to divine purposes we are not even aware of. A challenging question I have had to ask myself is… Am I willing to live with health difficulties if God uses them to put me in places where I can share with others the good news of Christ’s salvation? I rest my case. There is no bad news for the believer. So here is my first good ‘bad news.’ My health condition has become painful again with more infections returning. After several days of prayer, I have had to cancel my fall trips as I begin seeing specialist again in the weeks ahead. That brings us to some good ‘good news.’ Even though I have not traveled this year as I have in the past, I have had many chances to witness to people this year, perhaps even more than I normally do. (I always look for opportunities to talk about Jesus wherever I travel.) Staying home has opened the door to witnessing to neighbors and others locally. Of course, all the medical visits have led to many opportunities to talk about Christ to those who know the Lord and those who do not. Some examples… Waiting for an invasive medical procedure, I chatted with a nurse who is facing several ministry challenges as her husband and family seek to serve the Lord. (Her husband is a presbyterian minister.) I visited with another patient who was very ill as we both were waiting to see our doctors. This scenario has happened over and over again. I led a spur of the moment ‘45 minute’ Bible study for two physical therapists after their clients failed to show. (I had just finished my physical therapy.) They had heard me talking to another client and had questions. There are many more stories. I just want to thank those who have purposely prayed that I would have opportunities to talk about the Lord during all these health challenges. Keep it up. There are more opportunities ahead! Now for another good ‘bad news.’ BEM has chosen to cancel the Small Church Conference in Milan, Michigan, scheduled for later this month (Sept. 22-23). Registrations were low due to other activities in the state that we were not aware of. Although we dislike canceling a conference, it has become clear that the timing was not the best for this area. We would not choose to overlap with other organizations that have activities planned at the same time. We desire that God’s servants in the area are able to benefit from all that is being offered and are planning to reschedule in the future. Now, some good ‘good news!’ In our last couple of newsletters, we have shared our financial need due to all the health issues I have been facing. As I said before, I try not to make finances the center of our updates, but this was clearly the time to make the people, who love and pray for us, aware of our situation. Well, my dear friends, between the GiveSendGo account that was set up by a friend and our missionary support account at BEM, extra money has come in to totally meet the need of the past year. Beabea and I are overwhelmed with the generosity of those who have given. I have to admit, it is fun to pay off bills! I have been asked to keep our GiveSendGo account open until the end of the year. There are people who have given reoccurring gifts, and of course, we are going to have a new set of medical bills with the upcoming tests. Here is the link if you want to use the account: GiveSendGo - John and Beabea Rogers If you wish to give through our missionary account at BEM, the information is below. This is a wonderful way to give to any of our missionaries. As always, please feel no pressure from us in anyway. God’s people are amazing when they are sensitive to what God is doing, and we cherish your prayers most of all. As my grandchildren say, “Love you bunches! Love you most!” The good “good news” is God loves you most, but Beabea and I are trying for second place! John (and Beabea) Rogers jtrbem@gmail.com
