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Rogers Update - 7/29/13
July 29, 2013

Dear Friends,

On Saturday, July 27th, a church bus carrying teens and adults returning home after a week of camp overturned on an off ramp within a couple of miles of their awaiting parents.  The parents, planning to pick up their children, had gathered in the parking lot of Colonial Hills Baptist Church in Indianapolis.  Two adults and one child were killed with around 26 others injured.  Colonial Hills Baptist Church is a Bible believing church, and their testimony before the news media and the community has been amazing.  These dear people need our prayers.  I am certain fellow believers are doing so as they learn of this sad news.

Why do such things happen?  I have recently thought on this question a lot.  While in Fort Yukon, Alaska, during the ice breakup of the Yukon River, I wondered why some of the villages were flooded severely and others in a limited way.  There are no easy answers.  The only explanation that can stand before such a question is the nature and character of God.  God is good and loving in His justice.  We are challenged to believe this not only because scripture teaches it by direct statement, but also because scripture reveals who God is in character and nature.  We see God’s heart in His actions with His people as the Bible takes us behind the scenes and reveals the thinking of God.  It all culminates in that horrid wonderful moment when God, the Son, summits to judgment and experiences the Hell we deserve as a substitute in our place.  Such action reveals God’s genuine love and care toward us.  The God who cares that much for humanity would not allow random evil and vicious disaster without a divine purpose that is good, even if I don’t understand the whys of any event.  God, by divine nature, can be trusted to do right, and I find that comforting.

We arrived home in Indiana from Alaska on July 9th.  What a challenging encouraging time we had with the precious people in the Alaskan Native village of Fort Yukon.  We had the privilege of ministering to others, but we learned so much from those we sought to serve.  Our brothers and sisters in Christ who live in the village continue to be in our prayers.  I will be returning to Fairbanks, Alaska, in February 2014 where I will be teaching a Biblical Relationship Conference at Hamilton Acres Baptist Church.  This will be a new experience for me.  The Land of the Mid-Night Sun will be dark during part of the day and “slightly” colder!!

I fly to Utah on Wednesday, July 31st and will be there for about 2 ½ weeks to spend time with Daniel and Aja Long.  Daniel is the missionary I worked with last year who started a church in Orem, Utah.  It will be great to see them both again and discuss what the Lord has been doing this year.  Pray for me that I will be an encouragement to them during the time I am there.  I will also be speaking at some of the other churches in the area in various ways.  Returning to Utah is very much like coming home after a long journey.  We spent 18 years there in church planting, and the people of Utah will always hold a special place in our hearts.

On a personal note, during July, we enjoyed a visit from our daughter, Christy, and grandkids, Laurie and Garrett.  They spent a little over two weeks with us, and it was a fantastic time.  We had several adventures including a trip to the zoo.  It was so much fun seeing it through their eyes! We want to share with you that we will be doubling our grandchild allotment this fall.  Our daughter, Christy, is expecting a girl (Morgan) in October, and our daughter-in-law, Jessica, is expecting a boy (Isaiah) in November.  We will have a lot to be thankful for at Thanksgiving!  We ask for your prayers that all will go well in both deliveries and for healthy babies who will grow up loving the Lord!  As soon as possible after their births we will send dazzling pictures for your enjoyment!

Thanks for the love and support we have received from so many of you.  God has blessed us with special prayer partners in you.


Trusting and Serving,


7265 West 320 South
Russiaville, IN46979
(765) 319-3090



Commissioning Church: 
                                Shepherd Road Baptist Church
                                P.O. Box 1054
                                Mulberry, FL  33860 

Barnabas Enrichment Ministries

P.O. Box 229
Elkhart, IN46515-0229
(765) 667-2532




Please send all financial gifts to Barnabas Enrichment Ministries with a note designating the gift for the ministry of John & Beabea Rogers.