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Rogers Update - 2/27/13
February 27, 2013
Dear Friends,

Next month is my 58th birthday.  Birthdays are not as exciting as they use to be, but they are markers in our lives.  Almost 48 years ago, I surrendered my life at age 10 to missionary service.  (I was saved at age five).  Forty-eight years of seeking God each morning concerning His plans for the day!  Also, forty-eight years of questions, fears, even telling God how I think He should deal with something, sometimes trusting, followed by moments of selfishness, and then observing spiritual victories I did not think possible.  Thank God that He knew what He was getting when He got me – and He still wanted me!

I want to express my thanks to those who sent cards and emails concerning Mom going to heaven on Christmas morning.  There were so many expressions of love our direction, and a good reminder of how many brothers and sisters in Christ read our emails and letters.  Mom’s funeral was a great remembrance of her life for God.  Our Lord graciously provided so I could fly down and attend this celebration of God’s trophy, Martha Rogers.  Thank you to those who helped and gave in her memory.

After the funeral, I was able to spend some time with my father, Iley Rogers.  Dad has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and was having difficulty understanding what was happening.  It was difficult having to tell him several times that mom had gone to heaven.  Perhaps one of the most precious, but challenging, moments took place the day after the funeral.  I was sitting, talking with Dad, when he asked me who I was.  I told him I was his son, John.  He looked surprised and said, “Do you know John Rogers?  My son, John, is a missionary just like you…”  He continued telling me what a great servant of God John Rogers was.  He went on for several moments, thanking the Lord for what God was doing through his son, John.  I had tears in my eyes as I listened and was finally able to say again, “Dad, I am your son, John.”  Then I told him that my brother, Bill, was here as well as our sister, Judy.  He paused and tears began to flow from his eyes, and he said, “I am so sorry that I did not know you.  What kind of father am I that I do not recognize my own children?”  I shared with him that he had been the best kind of father and that all his children loved the Lord and lived for God.  That comforted him, and I gave him a hug.  I thought, Dad, it doesn’t matter now what you remember.  What counts is how you lived before us through the years we were in your home.  48 years I have served God, and you and mom prepared me to do that.  Dad smiled and said, “Martha is in heaven now, isn’t she?”  I told him, “Yes.”  He looked at me, and for a moment, I could see in my dad’s eyes the comprehension, sharp and clear, that I remembered growing up with.  Dad said, “I miss her, and I look forward to being with her.”

2013 has already been a busy year.  I spent several weeks of January involved with Calvary Baptist of Oceanside, California.  During that time I was able to teach the Biblical Relationship conference and spend time with the wonderful people of the church and their special pastor.  Calvary Baptist has been a supporting church almost from the very start of our missionary years.  I also had the opportunity to speak at Fellowship Baptist in Hemet, CA.  Their pastor is Kevin Robinson.  Kevin and I were at Bible College together, and I had a great time visiting with Kevin and his wife, Kelly, whom he met while at college. 
It was great fun talking about things that had happened years before.

February has been spent in Indiana, catching up on projects, and doing some speaking in the area.  It was great to renew fellowship with New Hope Baptist in Gas City, IN.  It is always a joy to be with them.  While I was in California, Beabea had stayed home and worked her caregiver job.  Since we are at 40% of our support needs, she takes every opportunity to work.  This means she is not always able to travel with me.  However, her mom, who is in Arizona for the winter, became very ill, enough so that we concluded she needed to go down and spend some time with her.  So here I am in Indiana and Beabea is in Arizona.  Pray she will have a safe trip back, which should be just in time to say “Hello!” and kiss me good-by as I head out the door to meetings in Florida during March!  Pray for my mother-in-law, Lillian Stoner, that she will be well.  After all, she is my favorite mother-in-law.  I tease her with that statement, and she responds that I am her favorite son-in-law.  (Beabea is her only daughter!)

Beabea and I will be traveling together the latter part of April as we fly up to Alaska.  We will be assuming the missionary ministry of David & Heidi Craig in Fort Yukon, Alaska.  The plan is to be there for two months as the Craigs report back to churches and marry off a daughter.  Fort Yukon is on the edge of the Arctic Circle right next to the Yukon River.  During its founding many years ago, it was a fur trading post.  Today, most of the population is Native American.  In a sense it is the gateway to its area of northern Alaska and has great opportunities for ministry.  One arrives at Fort Yukon by plane, boat, or dog sled.  There are no roads that lead up to it from Fairbanks, however, people have vehicles they have brought in by boat to drive about the village/town.  In Fort Yukon there are homes that have modern facilities setting next to log cabins with outhouses.  It is a fascinating place to serve the Lord.  I have been there twice and Beabea once, so we have some understanding of the ministry.  Pray for us in anticipation of our time there.  I am certain we will be going through another one of those God given learning curves that He does so well!

Let the adventure continue!

John (and Beabea) Rogers

7265 West 320 South
Russiaville, IN46979
(765) 319-3090
Commissioning Church:
                                Shepherd Road Baptist Church
                                P.O. Box 1054
                                Mulberry, FL  33860

Barnabas Enrichment Ministries
P.O. Box 229
Elkhart, IN46515-0229
(765) 667-2532

Please send all financial gifts to Barnabas Enrichment Ministries with a note designating the gift for the ministry of John & Beabea Rogers.