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Rogers Update - 7/31/12
July 31, 2012

Greetings from California!

(Act 15:36)  And some days after Paul said unto Barnabas, Let us go again and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord, and see how they do.


I realize that I am not the Apostle Paul in case anyone wanted to point that out to me!  I probably am closer to a Barnabas in a lot of ways.  I also realized that Barnabas never actually made another journey with Paul.  That is another story, however, I shared this verse at the start of this email because of the privilege God has given me to travel and spend time with brothers and sisters in Christ in so many places.  I am often overwhelmed with the wonder of what God is doing in so many lives.  Utah, for example – I enjoyed working with Daniel Long in the beginning stages of his church plant.  There are several others that are there desiring to help him – all very special people.  I also had the opportunity to meet his future wife, Aja.  She is a special young lady that will be joining the team later this year after their marriage.  What a privilege to see God working.  While in Utah I also had the opportunity to speak in seven churches at different times as well as an opportunity to spend part of a day at Camp Utibaca, a Baptist camp where Beabea and I served for many years in the horse program (while church planting in Utah).  It was great to meet new friends and renew acquaintances with those I have known for many years.  God continues to work in a powerful way in this western Mormon state!


While out west, I have had a chance to visit my brother and sister and their families along with my parents.  It is always great to spend time with them.  I am so thankful for the godly parents God gave us that raised us to love the Lord.  What a special heritage my parents have given to their children.  My prayer is that we will live as they have, honoring the Lord.  While in Arizona, I had the privilege of speaking at Sovereign Grace Baptist Church in Rio Rico near the Mexican border.  We appreciate so much the interest these dear people have expressed in our lives.


While on this trip, we received the great news that Grace Baptist Church in Kokomo, Indiana have taken us on for support.  They truly are kindred spirits with us in passion for ministry.  We are very excited about having them as part of our support team!!!


I am in Oceanside, California, spending time in consultation with Calvary Baptist Church.  This church has been a supporting church for many years, and they asked us to come and explore what God is doing through them in ministry.  The church is filled with quality people, some of whom have had missionary experience.  There are a lot of opportunities for ministry in the area, and they have a godly desire to engage the community around them.  It is such a privilege to be involved with them!


Pray for all these dear people and ministries that God is using to reach others with the message of Christ.  Beabea and I appreciate your prayers for us as we are separated during this time for about ten weeks.  When setting up this ministry trip, we didn’t really want to be away from each other that long, but the opportunities to serve Christ continued to develop in many ways.  Beabea stayed behind to work her caregiver job to help with our finances.  (We are at about 42% of our needed support.)  Again, we are both thrilled that we will be traveling together in August to do ministry in Alaska.  However, we are missing each other now.  (Big Surprise!).  Anyway, I want to conclude this update with a question for all of you:  Does anyone know how to hug through a phone?!!  If you do, send us instructions!  Beabea and I would like to try it!


Your fellow servant,


John (and Beabea) Rogers