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BEM Pastor Network Initiative
by Ned Sutherland

Barnabas Enrichment Ministries is excited to announce the
BEM Pastor Network Initiative

The Pastor Network Initiative is a program whereby BEM is seeking to meet the increasing needs of struggling churches.  With BEM’s limited staff and the increasing needs that we see, we are seeking to build a network of pastors to help.

BEM’s goal for this ministry is to serve as a kind of clearinghouse where we will refer pastors in this network to churches in need.  We are building a network of retired or current pastors, who are willing to give time to struggling churches.  These pastors will be of like faith and have gone through an application process before serving under the BEM umbrella. 

In addition to this, we are seeking churches and individuals to help us fund what we are calling the Triage Fund.  Our goal for this Triage Fund is to help with the expenses of the Network pastor, minimizing the financial burden for the church being served.   A group of 100 churches or individuals donating $25-$30 per month will allow our network pastors to serve with no financial burden to the pastor or to the small church.

The process begins with churches in need reaching out to BEM.  We will then match them up with one of our network pastors.  The church and network pastor can connect with each other to discuss how and when the pastor can best serve their needs.

Ned Sutherland, Pastor of First Baptist Church of Russiaville, IN and a board member of BEM, is spearheading this ministry.   As a small church pastor himself, Ned has a true heart for small churches and their pastors.

In Matthew, Jesus offers, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

“Come” is the invitation to find rest in Jesus.

We believe that rest is offered even to bi-vocational small church pastors…

We believe that if we make rest a priority, God will enable us to accomplish His work for His Glory in His place that He has called us to.

BEM desires to provide opportunities to find this vital time for rest in ministry.

We encourage you to consider joining the BEM Pastor Network Initiative, to help other pastors find this rest; to connect with and experience fellowship with other Pastors, to provide a week’s break from the pulpit to avoid burnout, or to give pastors a short sabbatical to recharge their soul for ministry.

If you are a retired pastor, or an active pastor, who can provide this kind of help, please consider joining this network.  You may request an application form from us HERE.  Once your application is submitted, we will review it and respond expeditiously. 

In addition, if you or your church are interested in donating monthly to help support this Pastor Network Initiative and Triage Fund, you may send your donation to:

Barnabas Enrichment Ministries
PO Box 4
Goshen, IN 46527-0004

Be sure to mark your check “Triage Fund” in the memo.

Alternatively, you may go HERE to make your credit card donation.

The majority of churches in our country are small churches, yet they are prone to as much stress and discouragement as larger churches.

The difference? - resources and support.

BEM's driving purpose is to be those resources and support by encouraging pastors, churches, and missionaries through preaching, teaching, exhorting, counseling, and loving care. 

Pray with us that God would stir hearts to become Triage Partners and call qualified individuals to our growing BEM Pastor Network Initiative.

Remember, Satan’s strategy is to attack and destroy small churches through discouragement and division. Please help us be part of God’s defense against Satan’s crippling attacks.


Go here to see a video presentation of the Network:  BEM Pastor Network Initiative 


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