BEM Pastor Network Initiative
by Ned Sutherland
Barnabas Enrichment Ministries is excited to announce the
BEM Pastor Network Initiative

The Pastor Network Initiative is a program whereby BEM is seeking to meet the increasing needs of struggling churches.  With BEM’s limited staff and the increasing needs that we see, we are seeking to build a network of pastors to help.

BEM’s goal for this ministry is to serve as a kind of clearinghouse where we will refer pastors in this network to churches in need.  We are building a network of retired or current pastors, who are willing to give time to struggling churches.  These pastors will be of like faith and have gone through an application process before serving under the BEM umbrella. 

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Biblical Relationships Conference
by John Rogers
John Rogers has made the audio of his Biblical Relationships Conference available to us. Select the links below to listen to John's teaching on this important subject.  The first 12 minutes of Session 1 explains the ministry of BEM.   

Session 1  –  BEM Introduction and Biblical Relationships

Session 2  –  The First Relationships

Session 3  –  The Desire to Experience

Session 4  –  Search for Self-Worth 

Session 5  –  Need for Security

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