
As the pastor of Shepherd Road Baptist Church, I have had the privilege of knowing John and Beabea for a decade of ministry. Our church was pleased to send them as missionaries, as they had an important role in the beginning years of our own church, and were even married here. John has been careful to remain in close touch with us, during his years in Utah, and while serving the mission families at EBM.  John and Beabea know church planting in North America, and have a sincere love for people in need of the Gospel.  I can commend the Rogers' in the same words that Paul used of Timothy, "and if [John] comes, see that he may be with you without fear, for he does the work of the Lord, as I also do." 1 Corinthians 16:10

Pastor Gary Collins
Shepherd Road Baptist Church
Mulberry, FL

We have had John & Beabea Rogers in our services & missions conferences often over the years and have always been impressed with their presentations and how the Lord has used them on the field as well as within our congregation. John is an excellent communicator.  They both have a great deal of integrity, vision, motivation & energy.  John is a very well read individual, skilled in dealing with people, courteous and sensitive to people’s needs and the Spirit of God's leading….they have a strong and fervent sense of God's call on their lives.  I consider John a personal friend.

Pastor Jim Keller
Bethel Baptist Church
Topeka, KS

I enjoy receiving the Rogers’s missionary letters and praying for them.  I was so encouraged when John took the time to write back to me and my Sunday school class years ago.  I finally took the time to connect with them on email and was so blessed with almost instant responses and connections.  Their letters always have a mini sermon….and I have been challenged by their words.  In their travel they talk to various people along the way, sharing Jesus with them.  That really encouraged me to practice doing the same thing.

Joyce Donahoe
Sunday School Teacher

John Rogers was a faithful support partner in ministry as we labored together in Faith Baptist Church, Spanish Fork, Utah….

Gary Vertican

John Rogers encouraged me to come to Utah on short term mission trips. Those short term trips turned into a long term stay….I thank God for John’s involvement in getting me here.

Garry Coon
Tent-Maker Missionary
Sandy, UT

It is a joy to send words of appreciation for the ministry and work of our brother and sister, John and Beabea Rogers….John interviewed my new wife when application was made for her to become a part of EBM.  He traveled to our home and to our ministry in Tallahassee to access the work and encourage us.  He has been in communication with us as he traveled in the capacity of Regional Coordinator of North America with EBM.  Beabea has been the ideal helpmeet for John and has given good, sound and loving advice to my wife, Bev, concerning grandchildren.  The Rogers will be an asset to any Mission Board and we highly recommend them.

Walter McDonald
Church Planting Missionary
Tallahassee, FL

John Rogers is a servant of God who brings personal encouragement along with solid biblical content to any ministry context. He has a great heart for people, especially those who need Christ. I strongly recommend his ministry to anyone who needs a joyful stimulus to greater fruitfulness.

Pastor Jon Rumley
Evergreen Baptist Church
Michigan City, IN

I have spent a great deal of time with John Rogers.  He is a friend and I….can sincerely say that he is a man with a heart for God and His work.  He sees needs and is diligent in working to see help given and solutions reached.  John has a happy spirit, teaches and leads with compassion for people, and is fun to be around even when the ministry is tough.

Richard Dix
Regional Coordinator with EBM and Church Planter

Missionary John and Beabea Rogers….are faithful servants of the Lord. John and Beabea’s love for people and knowledge of God’s Word make them valuable assets that you want to have around. John is a gifted teacher and he understands people. These combined qualities gives John a unique ability to mediate conflicts so issues are resolved in a biblical and godly manner. You will thoroughly enjoy getting to know the Rogers.

Dennis Schermer
First Baptist Church, Russiaville IN

I have known John Rogers for over ten years and have been so impressed with both him and his wife as I have watched them go through many severe trials to which they always responded in a godly manner. I believe this illustrates why John and Beabea are a perfect fit for Barnabas Encouragement Ministries.

Pastor Don LeMaster
Brooklyn Baptist Church
Brooklyn, New York

We….highly recommend John Rogers….having been personally involved with him and Beabea in a church planting ministry. We've been blessed both by watching him in an advisory/enrichment ministry to missionaries, and by his being a confidante and encourager to us personally. God has given John great insight into problems facing missionaries/pastors and how to advise concerning resolutions.

Elzie (and Anna) Unroe
Missionary Pastor, retired

I met John and Beabea about 12 years ago, shortly after becoming a believer in our Lord Jesus Christ. They have been awesome friends to me and my family….have been great examples of….Lights to the World and a source of encouragement to….help others be obedient to God’s Word and DO what is right and pleasing in His sight. I have seen them face some very difficult trials and yet always lean on and praise God through them.

Paul Fernane
Serving with Extreme Response International in Ecuador

Our Bible institute in Venezuela has appreciated John Rogers' willingness to come teach several modules, sharing his knowledge of God's Word as well as his experience and expertise in reaching those involved in other religions. Also, on a personal visit to where he and his wife Beabea were working at that time (Utah), I was particularly impressed with his understanding of the beliefs of Mormons and his tact and discernment as he talked with them. With Beabea and me sharing a love of horses, the days I spent there enjoying their fellowship and hospitality and with her teaching me more about horseback riding stand out as a special gift God gave me this side of heaven!

Marilyn Pitzer
Baptist Mid-Missions

I….have known John and Beabea Rogers for many years and have partially supported them since they were with EBM. John was a good student at Spurgeon Baptist Bible College where my husband taught.  He has done a good work with the Mormons in Utah as well as other places and God has used him and Beabea in the ministry in a very special way.

Mrs. Lois Jensen
College Librarian

John and Beabea encouraged us with their godly example in their conduct in many areas of their lives.  Their kindness and compassion as parents is inspiring.  John’s teaching on evangelism was refreshing as he emphasized that we need to show love and patience and compassion toward those around us.  Sometimes Christians might be tempted to be unkind to those deeply involved in cults, but John has shown us that compassion and kindness (along with biblical truth) must always be the modus operandi for Christians.  This principle has stuck with us and has guided us as we interact with all kinds of people.  Besides their help with evangelism, John and Beabea warmly supported and cheered us on by their notes and prayers.  They were great mentors to have on our team.

Dana Gottfried
International Student Campus Pastor at Purdue University
Kossuth Street Baptist Church
Lafayette, IN

I have known John and Beabea Rogers for 30 years.  I first met them while I was serving on a summer mission trip in Utah.  I was immediately taken with their passion for Christ, their love for God's people, and their enthusiasm when sharing God's truth.  I am proud to recommend John and Beabea Rogers to you.

Dr. Joey Mimbs, Sr. Pastor
Bethel Baptist Church
Bradenton, FL

I’ve known John for over 20 years, first as the Missionary/Pastor at Faith Baptist Church in Spanish Fork UT, which I attended.  While John was at FBC, the Lord prompted him to start the Pregnancy Resource Center of Utah Valley.  While John was Chairman, I was privileged to co-serve with him as a Board Member.  In these positions, we worked together closely and the Lord saw us through some challenging times. John has always had a heart for people, born and yet to be born.  And God has given him the wisdom to work with lay leaders as well as full time Christian servants.

Paul Fay, Elder/Treasurer
Fellowship Bible Church
Lindon, UT

There are times when it is absolutely evident that God has prepared a person for his next place of ministry.   That is what I have seen in the life of John and Beabea Rogers.   Their servant heart and giftedness has been wonderfully demonstrated in a wide variety of ministries.  Glory to God.

Byron Shearer
 Missionary, Tri-M

We….have known John and Beabea Rogers for over 25 years and have worked along side them in ministry for 13 of those years; we have a great respect and deep appreciation for their love for the Lord and sacrificial service to Him. As our pastor in the early years and now as missionaries, their faithfulness remains steadfast and unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.  Our lives have been blessed by their leadership and friendship. Our faith is much stronger in the Lord as a result of their guidance. We believe God will continue to bless them as they seek to do His will.

Pastor Dan Snyder and wife, Brenda
Morning Star Bible Church
Topeka, KS

Working with John Rogers was indeed a privilege.  He encouraged me and uplifted me so many times while we served together.  I believe that his ministry with BEM will allow others to experience what I did.

Rick Hudson
Administrator & Missionary, EBM

John Rogers was a tremendous blessing to our family as we started into the ministry. He came alongside us to guide us and facilitate our deputation and the beginning of our ministry.  We especially appreciated the personal interest that he took in us and our children. Although, we knew very little of missions at the time, he was always very patient and encouraging.  His goal was to help us be successful in the ministry that God had called us to.  I know that he will continue to be greatly used in this new ministry with BEM.

Daniel & Jaynee Lockwood
Missionaries to Mexico

I have always appreciated John Rogers’s wisdom and spiritual maturity, not only as a pastor, but also as a friend.  Every conversation with John is a blessing in that he consistently exalts the Lord while imparting biblical insights and truth.  His book, Communicating Christ in a Religious World, is a powerful testament to the understanding John has of God’s Word and The Great Commandment, as he offers Christians a challenge to lovingly and knowledgeably reach the lost world around them. John is a man of great character and has always modeled a healthy marriage.  In fact, John could not have married a more supportive wife than Beabea. 

Pam Flippin
Former church member under Rogers’s pastoral ministry

John Rogers is articulate to share the Word of God with others. He has unusual administrative abilities.  He has the flexibility to be in an office or to lead large groups.  He has doctrinal discernment and evangelistic fervor.  In his passion to draw others along in spiritual maturity, he has invested deeply from his source of time and energy to write….I have known him to be impressively generous when he simply gave me one of his books.

Chuck Brocka
Missionary Pastor
Northwest Baptist Missions
Salt Lake City, UT

I’ve known the Rogers for 15 years and worked with John as a mission home office executive for seven years and found him to be an incredible encourager.  He proved to be a “Barnabas” to me over and over again during our years of ministry together.  He is a godly man who walks by faith and keeps his eyes on the Savior.   

John Jackson, M.Min.,
Assistant Professor/School of Global Ministries
Director of Short-term Ministries
Baptist Bible College
Clarks Summit, PA

God has uniquely fitted John and Beabea Rogers to lovingly come alongside those laboring in the harvest and enrich both their lives and ministry.  Having pastored a supporting church of the Rogers, we have greatly treasured their friendship, spiritual encouragement, and help in the ministry of church planting. 

Kurt & Lori Schroder
Church Planters
Continental Baptist Missions

During my pastorate in Kansas our church supported John Rogers from the beginning of his ministry in Utah.  I observed John's development from a church-planting missionary into a missionary leader mentoring and training others for both short-term and career missionary ministries.  John is an able expositor of the Word, as well as a creative author of resources to equip others for the task of missionary service.  He does authentic ministry.

Donald Kusmaul, Pastor

The first time we met John, we saw a man of God who cares and love.  He was a blessing to our ministry, encouraging us, praying with us, visiting us, open his house for us....we appreciate his ministry and love to the world and the word....he is an example in serving the Lord and his children. Maranatha!

Walid and Rima Bitar
Arabic Ministry
EAM reaching Arabs for Christ

We have been so encouraged and inspired by the ministry of John & Beabea Rogers.  Their enthusiasm for missions and local church work have been instrumental in keeping us focused on the task at hand of evangelism and discipleship in tough times. John's gracious wisdom and strategic thinking are so needed these days!

Pastor Terry Yoder
Calvary Baptist Church
Oceanside, CA

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