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John and Beabea Rogers
Field Director & Missionaries

   John Rogers is a graduate of Spurgeon Baptist Bible College and was ordained to the ministry on June 17th, 1980.  He and his wife, Beabea, were appointed as missionaries the same year with Fellowship of Baptists for Home Missions (later renamed Baptist Mission of North America.)  The Rogers, married on June 18, 1977, have two adult children and five grandchildren.

John and Beabea proceeded to spend 18 years as church planters in beautiful Utah.  Faith Baptist Church continues to thrive today. Located in Spanish Fork, Utah, it has been used by the Lord as a spiritual greenhouse to prepare and train many for Christian service.  

In December of 2000 the Rogers family moved to Indiana where John became Pre-Field Director for Evangelical Baptist Missions (2000-2008) and Regional Coordinator for North America (2009-2011).  In addition to working with missionary appointees in their pre-field process, he and Beabea spent time assisting Bible believing churches in their efforts to develop their people for missions as well as teaching how to both witness for Jesus Christ and live their faith before others. In the last few years, John has increasingly been involved in conflict resolution, general church consulting, and mission field evaluation along with his other responsibilities and has assisted missionaries and pastors in developing more successful ministries.

John has for many years led seminars on witnessing and biblical relationships in churches both in the United States and abroad.  Through the years, John has been a guest lecturer in numerous colleges and Bible institutes around the world. From California (Coastal Mountain Bible College) to Indiana (Grace Theological Seminary) to Colorado (Denver Baptist Bible College)Wisconsin (Maranatha Baptist Bible College), Iowa (Faith Baptist Bible College), North Carolina(Piedmont Baptist College), Venezuela (Baptist Bible Institute of Venezuela) and Ukraine (Ukraine Bible Institute), John has been privileged to preach and teach God’s Word.  These, along with many other engagements with higher education, have assisted John in developing a degree of name recognition and trust which have served him well and provided many ongoing opportunities for ministry.   

God has also allowed John to minister through the written word, with him having written four different books and contributing to two publications.   


1983    Communicating Christ to the Cults

1984    Understanding the Mormons

1992    The Terminal Option

2009    Communicating Christ in a Religious World


1984    Conquest Sunday School Paper, Regular Baptist Press, Contributing Writer

1993    Life Advocate Magazine, Contributing Writer

With the announced closing of Evangelical Baptist Missions in August of 2011, John and Beabea began searching for the new ministry and Mission Board that God would have them pursue.  Having been familiar with Barnabas Enrichment Ministries since the early stages of its development, as well as being an encourager and occasional advisor to the Hewitt’s in their endeavor, John and Beabea were naturally drawn to investigate the possibility of affiliation with BEM.  Indeed, John’s experiences with church planting, missions, small local churches and the on site experiences of observing pastors and missionaries with their unique needs make him a perfect addition to the ministry offering of Barnabas Enrichment Ministries!


John and Beabea Rogers
235 Carta Road, Apt. L1
Knoxville, TN 37914
(765) 753-0056
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